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Face Lift Specialist

Raja K. Srour, MD -  - Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Raja K. Srour, MD

Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon & Plastic Surgeon located in West Hollywood, CA

If you’re tired of deep wrinkles and saggy skin, then talk to board-certified cosmetic surgeon Raja Srour, MD, about a facelift. At Doheny Sunset Surgery Center, Inc. in West Hollywood, California, Dr. Srour performs high-quality, natural-looking facelifts on men and women struggling to feel confident in their aging skin. For a consultation with Dr. Srour, call Doheny Sunset Surgery Center, Inc., or book an appointment online.

Face Lift Q & A

What is a facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that gently lifts the skin to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and saggy skin around the face and neck. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Srour of Doheny Sunset Surgery Center, Inc. performs this procedure based on your unique skin type, facial structure, skin elasticity, and age for customized results.

What can a facelift do?

A facelift targets some of the most common signs of aging, such as:

  • Thinning skin
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Saggy jowls around the jaw
  • Turkey neck
  • Lost volume in the cheeks
  • Deep folds between the nose and mouth

While these aging signs are common, they are also the result of a variety of factors, including genetics, stress levels, significant weight loss, sun damage, and smoking.

Am I a good candidate for a facelift?

If you’re unhappy with the results of minimally invasive anti-aging procedures, such as Botox® injections, dermal fillers, and skin rejuvenation, then a surgical facelift may be right for you.

A facelift is a highly individualized procedure that provides the best results if you:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are a nonsmoker
  • Have realistic expectations 
  • Have deep facial folds
  • Do not have any medical conditions that impair healing

While a facelift slows the signs of aging, it does not stop them altogether. Over time, your skin will still wrinkle and age, so it’s important to have positive, realistic expectations before going in for the procedure.

How is a facelift performed?

Talk to Dr. Srour about any medications you’re currently taking at your initial consultation, so he can determine whether you should stop taking them before the procedure. It’s also important to avoid anti-inflammatory medications before a facelift, as they can increase bleeding and bruising.

At your surgical appointment, you receive IV anesthesia and local anesthetic to sedate and keep you comfortable during the procedure.

There are three types of facelifts that Dr. Srour can perform:

Traditional facelift

During a traditional facelift, Dr. Srour makes incisions around the hairline, ears, and lower scalp to fully lift the skin and reposition fat to achieve the look you desire.

Limited incision

A less invasive option is a limited incision facelift, which requires small incisions around the temples and ears. Also called a mini facelift, this procedure is recommended to patients with minimal skin relaxation.

Neck lift

If you opt for a neck lift, Dr. Srour makes incisions in front of your earlobe and around the ear to lift the jowls and neck.

Your facelift recovery depends entirely on the type of procedure you get, as well as your skin’s elasticity and ability to heal. Dr. Srour can tell you what to expect after the surgery.

A facelift can help you look and feel younger and more confident. To learn more, call Doheny Sunset Surgery Center, Inc., or schedule a visit online.